Add bank transfer

It is possible to add a payment method for bank transfers for your customers.

You will need your bank details (sort code, account number and account holder name) to hand.

  1. Go to your vendor panel.
  2. On the left hand side, click on ‘Settings’ -> ‘Payment methods’
  3. Click on ‘Add payment method’ (+ sign on the top right corner) 
  4. For the name type ‘Bank transfer’
  5. On the dropdown for Processor, select ‘offline’,
  6. On the dropdown for Template, select ‘money.tpl’  
  7. You can add a description, however, this is optional. We recommend you to write ‘Please arrange a bank transfer for the order total value using the account details listed below’.
  8. ‘Surcharge’ and ‘Surcharge title’ can be left blank
  9. In the ‘Payment instructions’ field enter account holder name, sort code & account number.
  10. You may add an icon, however, this is optional.
  11. Click ‘Create’

Hint & tips

Please ensure the details are correct before clicking create.

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